Language and vocabulary

Language and vocabulary

Language and vocabulary

The discovery of a country is also the discovery of its language. Morocco has two official languages, Arabic and Amazigh, but French is widely spoken and understood by practically all Moroccans. Spanish is extensively spoken in the northern and southern parts of Morocco. The Amazigh language, whose alphabet is Tifinagh, is the common heritage of all Moroccans. Classical or literary Arabic is utilised in administrative circles. The language used orally by Moroccans is Darija (Moroccan dialect). It is a combination of Arabic, Amazigh, French and Spanish. To fit in with the locals and make the most of your stay, there are certain words you need to master in Darija. This will help you stand out from the crowd of conventional tourists and indicate that you are invested in the country. Here are some words and phrases that will benefit you throughout your stay in Morocco:

Common words

Hello / Good evening Salam / Msa Lkheir
How are you? Kidayr, Labas ?
Very well, thank you, and you? Labas hamdollah, o nta ?
Sorry Smahli
Welcome Marhba
Goodbye Beslama
Thank you (very much) Chokran (bezzaf)
Yes / No ah / La
What’s your name? Chno Smitek



What is the price? Bch’hal afak?
It’s a good deal. Tamane mezyane
It’s cheaper! R’khiss
It’s too expensive! Ghali bezaf
Can you lower the price Nkass tamane Afak
Silver Flouss
I love / hate Aâjabni / Maâjabnich
I’m just watching. Ghir Tanchouf


Where’s the…? – How do I get to…? Fin kayn …? / Kifach namchi li …?
Banka Banka
Train station Mahatta
Downtown Ouasst lamdina
Hospital Sbitar
Straight ahead Nichane
Left / Right Lissar / Limane
North / South / East / West Chamal / Janoub / Charq / Gharb
Route Triq

Schedules/dates and days

What time is it? Ch’hal f saâa
When. Fouqach?
Yesterday / Today / Tomorrow Lbareh / Lyoum / ghedda
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday /Thursday Tnine / Tlat / Larbaâ / Khmiss
Friday/Saturday/sunday Joumouâ / Sabt / al Had

Health / emergency / safety

I want to see a doctor. Bghit nchouf Tbib
Call a doctor/ambulance Âayat l Tbib / lambilance
Danger Khatar
Help! Âatkouni
I’m lost. Tlaft
Toilets Mirhad
I feel sick Ana mrid

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